
时间:2016-03-17 14:46:21  / 编辑:liliang




  1. 注意文章中引用的事实内容。

  2. 留意文中作者为支持自己观点所展开的具体的论证内容。

  3. 对文章中为支持或阐述中心思想而使用的细节描述要作重要标记。

  接下来小编就结合GMATprep07 Essay 2中的题目为大家做详细的分析和解答。

  While several studies have found a significant correspondence between the density dependence model and actual patterns of foundings, other studies have found patterns not consistent with the model. A possible explanation for this inconsistency is that legitimation and competitive forces transcend national boundaries, while studies typically restrict their analysis to the national level. Thus a national-level analysis can understate the true legitimation and competitive forces as well as the number of foundings in an industry that is internationally integrated. Many industries are or are becoming international, and since media and information easily cross national borders, so should legitimation and its effects on overseas foundings. For example, if a type of firm becomes established in the United States, that information transcends borders, reduces uncertainties, and helps foundings of that type of firm in other countries. Even within national contexts, studies have found more support for the density dependence model when they employ broader geographic units of analysis--for example, finding that the model's operation is seen more clearly at the state and national levels than at city levels…

  文章框架分析:该文章主要提到了“density dependence model”的概念,大家高中生物课都学过“S”曲线,这个就是所谓的“density-dependence model”的图像表达。文中第一段交代说了“legitimation and competitive forces”都是公司数量(也就是density)的函数。那么在图上他们两个都是纵坐标变化的因素。只不过在“density”比较小的时候,“competitive forces”的作用可以忽略,“density”比较大的时候,“legitimation”可以忽略。图中2 部分是“legitimation”主导的部分,图中3部分是“competitive forces”主导的部分(注意一点,foundings 增大,density 增大,但是foundings 减小,density 不减小,而是最多保持不变达到平衡))附图:




  4. According to the passage, which of the following may account for the inconsistency between the general density dependence model and the evidence provided by certain studies of foundings?

  (A) Such studies have overemphasized the impact of preexisting firms on the establishment of new firms.

  (B) Such studies have not focused strongly enough on the role of competition among newly established firms operating at the city and state levels.

  (C) Such studies fail to differentiate among specialist firms with regard to the degree to which they deviate from familiar forms of organization.

  (D) Such studies have not taken into account the fact that many industries are internationally integrated.

  (E) Such studies have neglected to investigate firms that attempt to serve only a narrow target market.

  分析:该题目是典型的细节信息题,旨在考察我们对文章细节的认知。解答该题目的重点是找出题干中的关键词,然后结合文章整体的框架结构进行准确定位。因此,该题目可以定位在第二段的前三句话。 “Thus a national-level analysis can understate the true legitimation and competitive forces as well as the number of foundings in an industry that is internationally integrated. ”。

  (A) 这样的研究过分强调以前公司对建立现在的公司影响。文章中并没有提到已经存在的公司对现在要成立的公司的影响。而单单只说了因为竞争力的原因而导致的新建公司数量的多少。

  (B) 这样的研究没有足够重视竞争性在新建立的州级或市级公司中的地位。这个选项的依据主要来源于文章的最后一句话。不过最后一句话只是出现了一些关键词,本质上和选项中说的意思没什么联系,甚至有反关系。也就是说,就算不注重“city level”的研究,density dependence model 也可以工作的非常好。

  (C) 这样的研究没有区分转项公司在多大程度上背离以前企业的模式的研究。这个在文章没有提到过,不要以常识解题。

  (D) 正确。这样的研究没有考虑到许多工业是国际一体化的这个事实这句话几乎是第二段第三句话的原句。考点里有,这里就不摘抄了。

  (E) 这样的研究忽视了调查对仅面向特定(狭窄)目标市场的公司。整篇文章都基于的是“面向狭窄目标市场”的公司。也就是说,如果你不研究这些公司,就和这篇文章没有关系了。

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