
时间:2016-05-06 14:17:34  / 编辑:liliang

  1.if 条件从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,主句也要用虚拟语气

  1〉表示与现在事实相反 2〉表示与过去事实相反 3〉表示与将来事实相反



  4.省略if=倒置(eg.Should you change your mind, ..... = If you should change...)


  1. 后置主语从句中的虚拟语气(it is + adj.+that)that从句中用动词原形表示虚拟语气


  2. 下列动词宾语后从句使用动词原形表示虚拟,省略should

  1> 表建议:advocate/advise/move/recommend that

  Sb. suggest/propose that

  2> 表命令:order/decree/mandate/command/demand that

  3> 表要求:request/require/insist

  Sth require of sb that

  3. 下列动词宾语后从句不使用虚拟语态

  Allow that/rule that/Sth propose that / Sth suggest that

  1)OG 57. Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they assumed that if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure.

  (A) if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure

  (B) without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure

  (C) their grip on Algeria was not ever secure if they did not hold it

  (D) without that, they could never be secure about their grip on Algeria

  (E) never would their grip on Algeria be secure if they did not hold it

  Answer : (B)

  Grammatical construction + Verb form

  Conditional constructions require specc verb tenses. For a past condition, the subordinate clause introduced by if uses the past indicative, and the main clause uses the conditional ifx happened, then y would happen.

  A The verb was should be the conditional would be; wordy and imprecise

  B Correct. This clear, concise sentence

  correctly uses the conditional would never be.

  C The verb was should be the conditional

  would be; pronoun it is ambiguous and could

  refer to either Morocco or Algeria

  D It, not that, should be used to refer back to Morocco; could never be secure about their grip is awkward

  E Inverted word order is awkward and confusing; it could refer to either Morocco or Algeria

  The correct answer is B.


  In many nations, criminal law does not apply to corporations, but in the United Stated today, a corporation commits a crime whenever one of its employees commits a crime, if the employee acted within the scope of his or her authority and if the corporation benefited as a result.

  A. a corporation commits a crime whenever one of its employees commits a crime, if the employee acted

  B. a corporation is committing a crime whenever one of its employees committed a crime, if those employees were acting

  C. corporations commit a crime whenever one of its employees does, on the condition that the employee acts

  D. corporations commit crimes whenever an employee of those corporations commit a crime, if it was while acting

  E. the corporation whose employees commit a crime, commits a crime, whenever the employee acted


  3) OG 161. A wildlife expert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern Minnesota

  would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more numerous than one wolf for every 39 square miles.

  (A) would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more numerous than

  (B) would fail provided the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more than

  (C) should fail if the timber wolf density in that region was greater than

  (D) will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is greater than

  (E) will fail if the timber wolf density in that region were more numerous than

  Answer: D

  以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-4-12 6:53:00的发言:

  虚拟一般指不太有可能发生的事情, 如: If

  I were you, .....; 或者过去已成的事实, 而说的人好象吃了后悔药, 回到过去改变它. If I knew it, I should have.....

  161表明一件事情发生的环境, 条件, 陈述了一个事实, 即在什么样的情况下reintroduction会失败

  4) Prep Test2-58 (非虚拟)

  If current trends continue, by the end of year 2010 carbon emissions in the United States will soar to a level more than one-third higher than were those in 1990, according to official projections.

  (A) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than were those

  (B) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that

  (C) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than it was

  (D) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than those

  (E) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than they were




  5) OG50. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500. or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.


  As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.


  A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult


  As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult


  A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.


  As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision, which would deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about 20/500.




  6) Q14: (表推测的虚拟语气)

  Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded. expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were

  B is expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal was

  C. is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement be signed by them with a provision for penalties if the deal were

  D.are expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until it signs a merger agreement with a provision for penalties included if the deal was

  E are expected to be making an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal were

  Answer: A




  1、if subject +动词过去式

  2、if subject +should +动词原形

  3、if subject +were to do


  7) prep2-47(表推测的虚拟语气)

  Those skeptical of the extent of global warming argue that short-term temperature data are an inadequate means of predicting long-term trends and point out that the scientific community remains divided on whether significant warming will occur and what impact will it have if it does.

  (A) on whether significant warming will occur and what impact will it have if it does

  (B) on whether warming that occurs will be significant and the impact it would have

  (C) as to whether significant warming will occur or the impact it would have if it did

  (D) over whether there will be significant warming or the impact it will have

  (E) over whether significant warming will occur and what impact it would have if it did


  8) 大全885里的SECTION A –6

  6. One of Arthur Jessop’s first acts as president of the FHA was to deny a request from the private sector that federal home loan programs should be expanded to cover houses not conforming to civil construction codes.

  (A) should be expanded to cover houses not conforming to

  (B) be expanded to cover houses not conforming to

  (C) should be expand to cover houses not conforming with

  (D) would have been expanded to cover houses not conforming to(B)

  (E) had to be expanded to cover houses not conforming with



  9) 5. Developing nations in various parts of the world have amassed $700 billion in debts; at stake, should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is the solvency of some of the worlds largest multinational banks.

  (A) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is

  (B) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, are

  (C) should they repudiate a significant number of these debts, are

  (D) if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts,would be

  (E) if a significant number of these debts will be repudiated, is


  以下是引用xizzhu在2006-5-25 23:03:00的发言:

  1. should a significant number of these debes be repudiated. = if a significant number of these debts should be repudiated.

  类似的还有 were, had 的倒装并省略if,

  in other words, Leaving out "if": formal inversion - structures:

  In formal styles, "if" can be droppped and an auxiliary verb put before the subject. this happens with "were, had and should; very rarely with other auxiliary verbs.

  2. 后半句就是一般现在时呀

  The pattern if...should suggest that something is unlikely, or not particularly probable, by using 'should (not would)' in the if -clause.

  If you should run into Peter, tell him he owes me a letter.

  3. More details for 1:

  Should you change your mind, ..... = If you should change...)

  Were she my daughter, .... ( = If she were my daughter...)

  Had I realized what yo intended, .... ( = If I had realized....)

  大全 Section C No.3 虚拟条件句倒装用法

  If anyone at InterCom Financial Advisers would have anticipated, or even suspected, the impending sale of the Koniko kelp processing plant, they would have advised owners of Koniko stock to unload all shares immediately.

  (A) If anyone at InterCom Financial Advisers would have anticipated

  (B) Had anyone at InterCom Financial Advisers anticipated

  (C) If any people at InterCom Financial Advisers would have anticipated

  (D) If any people at InterCom Financial Advisers had anticipated

  (E) If anybody at InterCom Financial Advisers anticipated


  GMAT考试中,以下四种类型题目占代词考题的近90%,以下对代词考题进行分类并给出解析,解析中重点强调代词考点,但对于没有涉及到代词的选项,也会进行详细阐述。与此同时,题目解析将严格遵守代词做题步骤图解中的步骤,待考生养成笔者强调的做题步骤,考生们将发现代词考点so easy。今天天道留学先为大家介绍GMAT语法的一种题型:代词无所指代。更多相关问题可咨询天道留学在线专家,如果有任何意见和建议,也请联系我们。


  1、Many entomologists say that campaigns to eradicate the fire ant in the United States have failed because the chemicals that were used were effective only in wiping out the ant's natural enemies, which made it easier for them to spread.

  A. which made it easier for them

  B. which makes it easier for it

  C. thus making it easier for them

  D. thus making it easier for the ant

  E. thereby, it was made easier for the ant

  题干结构:many entomologists say that campaigns....have failed because........






  B.第二个it有与makes it 中的it这个to spread的形式宾语表示同一意思的歧义,





  2、形式主语或形式宾语:It is +adj + to do/ that

  3、强调句:It is + 被强调部分+ that/who

  the ant’s natural enemies,中的the ant不可以作为代词的先行词,因为the ant’s是个整体,在修饰后卖弄的enemies,中心词为enemies

  2、The results of the company’s cost- cutting measures are evident in its profits, which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fell over the last two years.

  A.which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fell

  B.which had increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it had fallen

  C.which have increased five percent during the first three months of this year after falling

  D.with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after falling

  E.with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after having fallen

  题干结构:the results of ..........are evident










  答:即使换成they在这里也不正确,做主语的代词优先指代前面主语,they在优先指代the results,显然逻辑语义不对。

  3、In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  A. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  B. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  C. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

  D. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.

  E. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  题干结构:Hispanics account for........


  做题步骤分析:①首先找划线部分it的先行词,the age of eighteen,43%虽然是单数名词,带入语义不符合逻辑意思;②it不可以指代整个句子,所以此处it无所指代的内容







  4、In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced the greatest translation in any language.

  A. his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced

  B. his translation of the Iliad, a work that took him seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced

  C. his translation of the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it is

  D. translating the Iliad, a work that took seven years until completion and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it as

  E. translating the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope’s contemporary, pronounced it

  题干结构:AP began his translation of the Illiad, a work that...............


  做题步骤分析:D选项:①首先找划线部分it的先行词,先行词从语义上可判断为a work;②把a work带入划线部分代替it,a work that SJ pronounced a work as....,显然此处it多余


  A.that, taking....., and that,显然结构不对,taking不应该作为插入语


  C.had taken时态错误,此处应该用过去式



  5、The computer company’s present troubles are a result of technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.

  A. so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct it.

  B. so that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct.

  C. in that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them.

  D. that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct.

  E. that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them.

  题干结构:troubles are a result of.........that ........


  做题步骤分析:①首先找划线部分it的先行词,结合语义,发现没有可指代的内容;②如果把it换成them呢?them结合语义,可被理解为指代technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders,带入代词后为technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders that several attempts have failed to correct technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders,显然此处的代词多余


  A.it无所指代 that导致逻辑语义错误





  n that SV n是错误的结构

  6、Japan’s abundant rainfall and the typically mild temperature throughout most of the country have produced a lush vegetation cover and, despite the mountainous terrain and generally poor soils, it has made possible the raising of a variety of crops. has made possible the raising of

  B.has made it possible for them to raise

  C.have made it possible to raise

  D.have made it possible for raising

  E.thus making it possible for them to raise

  题干结构:Japan’s abundant rainfall and the typically mild temperature have ....and have...


  做题步骤分析:B选项:①首先找出划线部分them的先行词,只有abundant rainfall and the typically mild temperature这个可能性;②带入划线部分替换them后,逻辑语义是错误的,因此them使用错误,them本想指代的是日本人,此处没有出现,所以them无所指代


  A.it指代错误,应该用they,因为想要表示的是abundant rainfall and the typically mild temperature made it possible to .....



  D.make it adj to do sth


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