We get this question frequently, including from candidates who have already submitted an application. Here’s what I tell people: it depends. There’s not one answer that fits all. Knowing what the middle 80% of our students scored on the GMAT (650 – 750), you know that 10% of our students have scores below 650.
The GMAT or GRE is only one component of many that we consider in our evaluation. A high score doesn’t guarantee admission or even an interview invitation; a low score doesn’t preclude an interview invitation or admission.
官方还显示: If you retake the GMAT after you’ve submitted your application, we’ll consider your new score, provided that we get the score reasonably close to the application deadline. If we’ve already made a decision, a new score won’t change the decision.
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从业多年来帮助多名学生拿到美国TOP20大学的录取及奖学金。其中不乏Stanford University、University of Pennsylvania、Columbia University、Cornell University、UC-Berkeley、Yale、Caltech等顶尖名校。
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